Life Coaching 101

I've been sharing a lot about my life coaching journey over on social media and getting lots of questions, so I thought it would be helpful to spend some time answering them here. 
If you’re new here, hi! You can read more about my new adventure in becoming a life coach here.
A few weeks ago, I asked my friends and family what they knew about life coaching.  Though not entirely surprising, only about 10% of my closest family and friends even knew what a Life Coach was and very few of those had actually worked with one. 
I’ll admit that when I learned about life coaching I had many misconceptions.  It wasn’t until about 2 years ago that I got curious enough to hire my own life coach. I figured, if I truly wanted to understand this profession, I needed to experience it first hand as a client.  That experience helped clear up MANY misconceptions I had about what and who life coaching is for.  
So, what IS life coaching?
Coaching is the professional practice of partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process to maximize their personal and professional potential. The most common objective for coaching clients is to gain new insight and create new habits as they move forward into a more fulfilled and flourishing life.
The goal of coaching is to come alongside you and affirm you in who you were created to be. Supporting and encouraging you through the journey.  Cheering you on when you succeed, walking with you when you're stuck, holding you accountable when you want to quit. Coaching is seeing the best in you and showing you the mirror so YOU can begin to see the best in yourself.
As a coach we assume that all people are naturally creative, resourceful, relational and whole.  We assume that you are unique and valuable, worthy of being championed, and capable of solving complex problems. We also believe that you’re ready to start living your best life TODAY. 
How does coaching work?

Obviously, every coaching situation is different, but you typically meet on a regular basis, weekly or biweekly for a set duration of time. The initial session is often called a “Discovery Session” and is used to help you establish a relationship, and set goals and expectations.  Whether you’re looking for incremental change or transformation, it’s recommended that you commit to working with a coach for 3-6 months in order to really develop a relationship and further move you towards your goals.
Thanks to modern technology, coaching sessions can happen anywhere, anytime. Whether in person, over the phone or via Skype/FaceTime it’s possible to fit Life Coaching into any schedule.
Why hire a life coach?
There are a million reasons why you might higher a life coach!   Maybe you’re going through a life or career change....or a transition like a move or taking on a new role, like motherhood.  Maybe you are content where you are, but know there’s something more, you just don’t know what it is or where to find it or where to go. Maybe you have a big idea and dream but you don’t know where to begin or have the accountability to get there. 
Here are some real topics people have brought to their life coach…
“I really want to meal plan, but I struggle so much to do it and don’t know why.”
“I’m pregnant with my second child and I’m anxious about the transition with my husband and son.”
“I know I need to raise my prices for my business, but I’m scared.”
“I homeschool and desire for my children to have more socialization, but I don’t know what that looks like for us.”
“I’ve spent a long time learning to love my body but I have some health concerns that mean I really should lose some weight, I just don’t know where to begin.”
“My spouse and I have a great marriage, but I desire to find ways to spend more time together and have a deeper connection.”
Who should hire a life coach?
Anyone and everyone! Everyone deserves the space to be heard and empowered.Coaching can help you better understand yourself and what you want in life - as well as the tools to get there. When we are more balanced in life, we’re better equipped to tackle those complex problems in our families, our homes, and our communities!
So, does that help give you a better idea of the role of a Life Coach? What questions do you still have? 
As I continue to work through my coaching courses I would love to work with you.Whether you’re interested in learning more or ready to dive into coaching, let me know! I’m offering FREE 30 minute sample sessions and discounted coaching during my training. 
Message me with any questions you may have or click here to schedule your sample session today!