Love their love for one another! Abel adores his daddy!
My little artist loves painting! This year he painted Nana a fun little wind spinner for her birthday!
Baby in a bucket...Abel's new favorite game!
Puddle jumping...Caleb's new favorite game!
Everyone loves trips to the farm!
Started working in the garden. Love that the boys can start helping a little this year...well, sort of! Caleb loves finding worms and feeding them to the chickens. Able, he's happy to just throw mulch around.
Their new little reading nook.
Happy boys!
The boys love watching Daddy leave each morning...this particular day, Daddy had come home for lunch and Caleb was already napping. Abel got some one-on-one time with mama & daddy, and when it was time for Dan to leave, ran to the window to wave and said "bye"! Cutest thing ever!
Loves to color!
Best thing about April is being able to get outside more.
Trips to the park and the farm.
Cookouts with friends.
And bike rides!
Such a fun and full month! Hard to believe it's already coming to an end!